
Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva,
nº 33, 2740-120 Porto Salvo

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ISQ is a private Portuguese organization with over 50 years’ experience working in engineering, technical and regulatory inspections, training, R&D and innovation.

We help customers align their business objectives with relevant regulations and standards and meet their goals in the domains of quality, safety, asset management, environmental and social responsibility.

ISQ provides solutions in several industries, like Oil & Gas, Energy, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Process Industry, Health, Mobility and Smart Cities, Transport and Infrastructure,  Agricultural Industries.

Role in the project

ISQ  is in charge of:

  • Overall system level requirements & design review criteria in electrolyser R&D phase
  • Assessment & harmonisation of relevant standards supporting the certification plan for large-scale electrolyser system
  • Valorization of oxygen and heat;
  • Training of skilled staff for operation & maintenance of the flexible green hydrogen production process

Relevant Previous Projects

NATURALHY - Preparing for the Hydrogen Economy by Using the Existing Natural Gas System as a Catalyst

DEMOWFLOAT – Demonstration of Windfloat (offshore wind power production) prototype

GREEN PIPELINE - Experimental Hydrogen injection in an existing distribution network of Natural Gas for final consumption

ECOTERMIP -  Promotion of the Ecoefficiency of Thermal Processes in the Portuguese Industry

SWSS - an innovative management and decision- support platform for water supply systems