Pfaffenwaldring 38-40
70569 Stuttgart
Regine Reissner
regine.reissner@dlr.deDLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.) is the German national research institute with a focus on aerospace, traffic and energy.
The DLR-Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, section Electrochemical Energy Technology is active in the fields of renewable energy research and technology development for efficient and low emission energy conversion and utilisation and has long-term experience in fuel cells (SOFC, PEFC; DMFC and AFC) and water electrolysis (alkaline, PEM, SOEC), production technologies e.g., plasma technology, and system technology. At the DLR in the last 5 years test procedures for PEM and alkaline electrolysis were applied, degradation was investigated and test procedure standardisation was worked out in several European and German electrolysis and fuel cell projects as well as in ISO activities.
DLR is scientific contributor in the GreenH2Atlantic project to electrolyzer testing, especially related to electricity grid services and dynamic electrolyzer operation. DLR is in charge of the electrolyzer qualification tests for grid services and internationally harmonized test for KPI (Key performance indicator) determination as well as alignment with other European projects on the topic.
DLR has in several previous projects been involved in developing and applying testing protocols to electrolyzer systems and cells. These are just a few examples:
DLR was coordinator of QualyGridS – Standardized Qualifying tests of electrolysers for grid services (GA No. 735485, H2020/FCH-JU 2017-2020). In this project it has developed testing protocols for electrolysers’ qualification for electricity grid services and applied these protocols to a 50 kW PEM electrolyser system. Website:
Furthermore DLR coordinated PRETZEL – Novel modular stack design for high pressure PEM water electrolyser technology with wide operation range and reduced cost (GA No. 779478, H2020/FCH-JU, 2018-2021) and developed and tested PEM cell components like porous transport layers. Website:
Presently DLR coordinate NEWELY – Next generation alkaline membrane water electrolysers with improved comonents and materials (GA No. 875118, H2020/FCH-JU, 2020-2022) and develops and tests components for AEM electrolysis. Website: