The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, in the service of the State, economy and citizens. CEA provides concrete solutions to their needs in four main areas: energy transition, digital transition, technologies for the medicine of the future, defence and security.
CEA-Liten is a member of « Institut Carnot Énergies du Futur ». Located at CEA Grenoble and INES (Chambery) centers, it is dedicated to the energy transition. Its activities focus on several key areas: solar energy, network management, batteries storage and hydrogen in order to improve energy efficiency and circular economy approach. CEA-Liten covers a wide range of applications in energy production and distribution, transportation, industrial processes, and environment markets.
CEA will be involved in techno-economic analysis of grid services and testing protocols. CEA will conduct LCA assessment across the entire value chain of the 100 MW electrolysis system and its application case to determine through the 10+ indicators of the LCA the environmental benefit provided by the system.
From 2018 to 2022, CEA was in charge of the techno-economic and LCA studies of JUPITER 1000, the Power-to-Gas French demonstrator located in Fos Marseille. Injection of synthetic H2 and CH4 into the gas network.
CEA was part of the H2020/FCH-JU projects: QualyGridS on Standardized Qualifying tests of electrolysers for grid services (2018-2021), ELY4OFF aiming at the development of improved electrolyzer for integration with renewable energy (2015 2018), ECo on co-electrolyzer for efficient renewable energy storage (2015-2018)