fond news greenH2Atlantic
April 7, 2023

Become a Techie N°4: The lowest possible greenH2 production cost thanks to the 100MW electrolyser.

Become a Techie N°4: The lowest possible greenH2 production cost thanks to the 100MW electrolyser.

The 100MW electrolyser will be composed of innovative, scalable and fast-cycling 16 MW modules to overcome bottlenecks such as efficiency, size, lifetime and flexibility. This will allow to optimize the production of green H2 at the lowest cost possible.

Other innovative features include an interface system composed of an Advanced Management System to ensure a reliable supply of H2 to the off-takers and enable project’s coupling to a local hybrid renewable power plants (solar and wind).

One objective of the GreenH2Atlantic project is to demonstrate the lowest possible green H2 production cost by operating the 100 MW ALK electrolyser smartly and efficiently integrated with solar and wind energy.

You will discover in the fith cartoon the next and last step of the journey of green H2 in the GreenH2Atlantic project... so stay tuned!

Discover the previous cartoon:

Become a Techie N°1: The colors of hydrogen
Become a Techie N°2: GreenH2Atlantic in the production of H2 in Europe
Become a Techie N°3: GreenH2Atlantic contributes to the massification of green H2 thanks to its renewables sources