fond news greenH2Atlantic
March 30, 2023

Become a Techie N°3: GreenH2Atlantic contributes to the massification of green H2 thanks to its renewables sources

Become a Techie N°3: GreenH2Atlantic contributes to the massification of green H2 thanks to its renewables sources

This third cartoon will allow you to learn more about the GreenH2Atlantic project. First of all, we will focus on its energy sources. 

The GreenH2Atlantic project aims to create an hydrogen valley, if you want to understand more about this term, you can refer to the Become a Techie N°2. 

GreenH2Atlantic will enable the transition of a former coal-fired power plant into an innovative renewable hydrogen production hub, in alignment with Europe’s decarbonization and energy transition strategies.

Here are some objectives of the project:

  • Demonstrate the lowest possible green H2 production cost by operating the 100 MW ALK electrolyser smartly and efficiently integrated with solar and wind energy.
  • Refurbishment of the Sines Coal-Fired Power Plant into a Flexible Green H2 Power Plant.
  • Take advantage of existing infrastructures of a decommissioned Coal Fired Power Plant.

Discover the previous cartoon:

Become a Techie N°1: The colors of hydrogen
Become a Techie N°2: GreenH2Atlantic in the production of H2 in Europe