fond news greenH2Atlantic
March 14, 2023

Become a Techie N°1: The colors of hydrogen

Become a Techie N°1: The colors of hydrogen

A distinction is made between "grey hydrogen", "blue hydrogen" and "green hydrogen" depending on how it is produced.

  • Grey hydrogen or carbonated hydrogen is produced from natural gas. Grey hydrogen is not a clean energy source as it emits a lot of CO2 during its production.
  • Blue hydrogen or low carbon : is also extracted from natural gas. But the way it is produced makes it less polluting than grey hydrogen.Thanks to the carbon cabe either used in industrial processes or stored underground using carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)
  • Green hydrogen or renewable hydrogen is produced through the electrolysis of water. An environmentally friendly process, electrolysis breaks down water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) through the use of electrolyzers. If the electricity that powers the electrolysers comes from renewable energy sources (wind, solar or hydroelectric), the hydrogen will be called green.

The amount of green hydrogen produced in the world is booming, with the challenge of developing the decarbonised sector.

That is the objectives of the greenH2Atlantic project.